Swim Spas

Experience The Most Fun Possible

Experience Excellence

Our innovative approach to finding better ways to design the definitive swimspa has led to our use of a special closed cell insulation, which repels moisture as it retains its insulating values and helps deliver one of the lowest average operating costs available.

Our wider safety access steps and flat stepping areas at both the jet and seating end of the swimspas is functional and astietically pleasing. The simple fact that SwimLife Swimspas accommodate more functionality than similar-sized competitive models.

Swim Fun

Playstream 12

Swim Fit




Swim Expert




Send Us A Message

Contact our experts at Spas of Oregon today to learn more about our Dimension One Spas® hot tubs for sale in Gladstone, Oregon. Whether you’re looking for a hot tub, in need of repair, or exploring options for your outdoor living space, feel free to contact us.